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International / Modern Foreign Languages

Our international work at Hankham is very important to us.  We are involved in many projects, as you can see below, and we work with different schools in the UK and overseas to enhance the school's curriculum across all the curriculum areas. 

We have been reaccredited with the full British Council International School Award. 

On reaccreditation, the British Council wrote:

“It is clear to see that Hankham Primary School continues to build and embed a real learning ethos which is reflected in and informing long-term planning and policy, enabling SMSC skills development - supported by a range of on-going international activities, involvement in several programmes and initiatives and its focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. An international dimension is embedded across the curriculum and in the teaching and learning experience for all. The school has extensive links both in Europe and beyond all of which are being used as an effective vehicle with which to enable increased awareness of ways of life, cultures and experiences in the world, develop critical thinking skills and to explore wider active citizenship issues.”

Modern Languages at Hankham

We learn French here at Hankham.  We use Languagenut to support with language learning.  

We intergrate French learning in a number of subject areas, including music, mindfulness and PE. 


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