About our Governors
I am a recent (by Hankham standards) resident of Hankham and a solicitor. I joined the Governing Body in 2018, bringing a non-educational, but enquiring, perspective, to the board. As the father of a child with special educational needs and with experience of negotiating with local authorities a Statement of Special Educational Needs and then an EHCP for my son, I have taken on the role of SEND Governor.
I am chairman of the Hospital of St. John the Baptist, a local Almshouse Trust, which provides housing for local residents over the age of 60 and in financial hardship, and a linked Educational Foundation which provides grants to children and young people under the age of 25 who need financial help to access activities which would help them in their education, which is broadly interpreted to include their social and emotional development. Swimming lessons and PGL camps are just the sort of thing we like to help with.
And just to make sure I do not have any spare time, I am chairman of the Hankham Village Society. From a village of residents who barely knew each other, there is now a thriving community with many activity groups meeting regularly and several events each year for the whole village to join. And most importantly, countless friendships have been forged and the village has a friendly feel to it.
John Quibell - Chair
After 45 years in the printing industry I was given the opportunity of working with and for young people and children. I have worked as an Educational Project Worker working with young people with severe spectrum emotional and behavioral problems. I was also involved for many years with The Candle Project working with children and young people who have been traumatised by the bereavement of a family member. I continued my bereavement work after moving to East Sussex with the Dragonflies organisation. Also, I was an ACSL in the Scouting movement for almost 20 years.
Whilst living in Croydon I became a school governor and have been a school governor since 1985 in various institutions.
My interests are Rugby - I am still active as a referee development officer, and playing the guitar (badly)!
Paul King - Vice Chair
I have lived in Hankham for 37 years and both my children attended Hankham Primary School, which we have supported in various ways over the past years. I am a Parish Councillor and I manage the Neighbourhood Watch. I have been involved in education since 1959 as a teacher and Headteacher and after I retired, as a school governor, I worked on a number of County Governor working groups. I am pleased to be able to make a positive contribution to support Hankham School.
Ken Saxby - Co-opted Governor
I began my teaching career 29 years ago in south London and moved to East Sussex with my family 24 years ago. I am an honours graduate, hold a Post Graduate Certificate in Education, a Master’s degree and I completed the National Professional Qualification for Headship in June 2011. Subsequently, I was seconded as Interim Headteacher for two terms in a primary school in Lewes. I am delighted to be Headteacher at Hankham Primary School and have been here since September 2014. In my free time I enjoy reading, going to the cinema, walking and travelling.
Sarah Timlin - Ex-officio
I joined the Governor Board for Hankham in October 2018 as a Parent Governor. I have two young daughters and live in Hankham village so felt very passionately that I wanted to be involved in supporting the school and local community. I work as an HR Manager for a large public sector organisation in East Sussex and hope to bring the skills acquired in this role, together with my commitment to serving the public to do something constructive and make a positive contribution.
Lucy Birch - Parent Governor
Under construction
Jo Davies - Parent Governor
Under construction